
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week in Review: Week 4

Will I ever get better? That is the question of the week. This sickness that I have keeps lingering. I went back to the doctor on Monday and got a second round of stronger antibiotics. Kaylicious seems to be coming down with the same thing now. I am surprised that she was able to stave it off for this long. She is also struggling with acid reflux again . . . my poor little girl. Please send some healthy thoughts our way. We need them.

We mostly did things at home to entertain ourselves this week so not to spread our germs to everyone else. On Saturday, Kaylicious graduated from her crib to a toddler bed and she seems to being doing quite well with it. Today, I went to the second meeting of my Chesapeake Mommies Sewing Group. We're working on this quilted table runner. I will share photos when it's finished.

Here's what I accomplished this week:
  • Unclutter and Organize My Entire Home
    • Organized My Thread and Ribbon
    • Started Working on My Laundry Room (AKA the room where everything that doesn't have a place gets thrown and I do mean thrown.)
  • Conquer the Laundry -- Wash, Dry and Put Away 250 Loads -- 4 more down/ 237 to
  • Load, Wash & Put Away 250 Loads of Dishes -- 3 more down/ 242 to go
  • Get Shelves to Organize and Corral the Girls' Toys -- 2 Shelves Purchased/ 1 Built So Far
  • Read 100 Different Books to Each of My Kids -- 2 more down/91 to go
    • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
    • Curious George Goes to the Fire Station
  • Do 50 Craft Projects with the Kids 1 Down/49 to go
  • Do Everything On My Toddler Activity List (See List) 1 more down/90 to go
  • Lose 38 Pounds & Fit Comfortably Into a Size 8 -- I lost 8 pounds this week by drinking mostly water and trying to eat reasonable portions of whole foods -- Unfortunately, that only gets me back to my starting weight, because I spent the three previous weeks feeling sick and tired, so I didn't grocery shop and we ate out or got carry out a crazy amount of times. At least I feel like I am going in the right direction now.
  • Walk 300 Miles -- 1 more Down/296 to go
  • Go on 50 Dates With My Husband -- 1 More Down/46 to go
    • Playing Trivia With Friends at Magerks and Browsing at Barnes & Noble
  • Talk to a Friend or Family Member (not my immediate family) Everyday - Check!
  • Get Outside for 15 Minutes Minimum Each Day - Check!
  • Use Re-useable Bags/ Start Keeping Them in the Car -- Getting Better --Recycled 2 big bags full of plastic bags at Target and only got two new plastic bags this week

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