
Thursday, June 21, 2012

1,028,460 and Counting!

That's more than a million page views!  When I started this blog, on my birthday last year, I would have been excited if a couple thousand people viewed it.  As a matter fact I was.  I was so ecstatic when I realized at the beginning of June 2011, just a few weeks after I began Counting on Me, that 1700+ people had already visited that I could hardly contain myself.  I phoned both my husband and a few close friends to share my amazement that so many people were checking out my simple little blog.  Fast forward a year and multiply that excitement by about a zillion and you'll know how overwhelmingly pleased I am with a more than million pageviews! Thank you all for visiting!  I hope you'll keep coming back!
A million plus pageviews!  Trying to fathom all those visitors, all the times something caught someone's eye and they clicked through to my little blog, all the times that had to happen to add up to be more than a million pageviews, I'm truly amazed!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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