
Monday, August 1, 2011

Meatless Monday: Mashed Potato Wreath

My blog has been completely neglected lately while I've been off enjoying the summer, but I'm back now with a super yummy Meatless Monday Recipe.  The Count and I collaborated on this recipe and we both loved the result!  This recipe was inspired by the Pizza Skins (without bacon) at Uno's Chicago Grill.  Sadly, they closed the Uno's near us, so the creation of this recipe was an attempt (a delicious attempt) to satisfy my Pizza Skin craving.
This is some serious comfort food.


3lbs of Red Skinned Potatoes (Peeled)
3/4 Stick of butter or margarine
2 Cups of Sour Cream plus extra for garnish
Garlic Salt to taste
2 Cans Reduced Fat Crescent Rolls
8 oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese

Mashed Potatoes 
This is a two for one recipe, because these may possibly be the best mashed potatoes ever! Peel the Potatoes and cut the bigger ones in half. Place the Potatoes in a large pot and completely submerge them in warm water. Bring the water to a boil and boil the potatoes for 15 to 20 minutes. It is important not to overcook the potatoes as they will become gluey. You can tell they are done when a small fork will pass through with almost no resistance. Remove the Potatoes and place them in a strainer.

While the Potatoes are still hot, place them in the stand mixer with the butter. Use the wire whisk attachment and beat the potatoes until the butter is mixed in completely. (This could also be done with a hand mixer, but mine is broken and I love my stand mixer.) Then add the sour cream in intervals until the potatoes reach the right consistency. Add garlic salt to taste and set them aside. 

The Wreath
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Arrange the crescent roll triangles on a pizza stone in a sunshine sort of shape like this:

Use a Baker's Roller or your fingers to press the center of the circle together.  It doesn't have to be perfect.

Scoop the mashed potatoes onto your wreath like this:

Cover the top on the potatoes with the shredded cheese.

Fold all of the points of your sun into the center of your wreath and use your fingers to press the points into the bottom layer of dough in along the edge of your center circle.

Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Serve with a side of sour cream and a nice salad!

If your pizza stone is well-used and "ugly" like mine, you can transfer your wreath to a nice serving platter if you want or you can just dig in!

I'm linking to:


  1. I make wreaths all the time with my stone! Always looking for new recipes! This looks GREAT!! LOVE that you posted this!! Thanks!!

  2. I do something similer, My Boys used to call them LOADED pigs in a blanket. Using Grand biscuits, ball park all beef franks,instant mashed potatoes, in a tub, i would slit the uncooked hot dog, and after placing the cartin of alredy cooked mashed potoes in the microwave just long enough to make spreadable place some in the the hot dog which has been placed in a hand flattened biscuit, then sprinkle with bacon bites & chedder cheese top with green onion for the bigger "KIDS" heat in oven according to directions on biscuit package. Serve with sour cream.
