
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week in Review -- Week 3

I made two really exciting discoveries this week. One, lots of people like my blog! I would have been really excited to have a hundred people visiting each day, but I am actually getting thousands of visitors! So exciting! Thank you to everyone who has stopped by! Two, I discovered! I absolutely love this site! Are you on Pinterest too? Let me know what you think!

I spent a lot of time at the pool this week both with my family and with just my little ones and my sister! It has been super sunny and perfect pool/beach weather! This weekend we spent time with my mother-in-law and got to got to the beach on both Saturday and Sunday. We took the girls to Ocean City, NJ. This was Zazu's first trip to the beach. She thoroughly disliked the dry sand and refused to touch it, but otherwise we all had a fantastic time.

I am still a bit sick and have scheduled an appointment to go back to the doctor tomorrow.  This sickness is really dragging on and on.

Here's what I accomplished this week:
  • Conquer the Laundry -- Wash Dry and Put Away 250 Loads -- 4 more down/ 241 to
  • Load, Wash & Put Away 250 Loads of Dishes -- 2 more down/ 245 to go
  • Read 100 Different Books to Each of My Kids -- 2 more down/91 to go
  • Do Everything On My Toddler Activity List (See List) 10 down/91 to go
  • Go to the Gym 150 Times -- 1 More Down/148 to go --I really need to get rid of this cold, soar throat and congestion. It is bogging me down.
  • Walk 300 miles -- 1.5 more down/297 to go
  • Complete 50 Craft Project - 1 more down/48 to go
  • Go on 50 Dates With My Husband -- 1 More Down/47 to go
    • Day Trip to Long Beach Island, NJ -- just the two of us
  • Talk to a Friend or Family Member (not my immediate family) Everyday - Check!
  • Get Outside for 15 Minutes Minimum Each Day - Check! This has been easier and more natural than I expected. The sunshine really makes me happy.

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